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12 mars 2024 11:30-13:00 CETUppsala Business Park Lounge, HUS 2


Unlocking success through industry-academia collaboration

Join us for an insightful journey over lunch as we explore dynamic industry-academia collaboration. See how you can be part of partnerships that enrich your business and uncover the potential of university collaborations, revealing groundbreaking innovations that could reshape your industry.

Partnering that cultivate efficiency and strategic positioning

Discover how partnering with academia can lead to enhanced efficiency and strategic positioning. Gain valuable insights into the advantages of collaborating with universities, positioning your business as a frontrunner in the industry, attracting workforce, investments, boosting efficiency etc.

Innovative insights in just one hour

Dive into the realm of cutting-edge research initiatives at Uppsala University, all within the span of your lunch hour. Be inspired by current research initiatives within innovative drug delivery and Medtech applications, being performed at Uppsala university.

Join us for this condensed yet impactful session, unraveling the potential within industry-academia collaborations and paving the way for innovation. We are offering a light lunch to all our participants.

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Light lunch and networking

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Supporting academic research in collaboration with external organizations

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Helena Bysell
Collaboration manager, Uppsala University Innovation Partnership Office

Revolutionizing drug delivery: Bridging academia and industry for innovative parenteral, oral, and pulmonary strategies

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Christel Bergström
Professor Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University and Director of the competence centre SweDeliver

Exploring 3d-printed applications in life sciences: an academic-industry collaboration arena for research and innovation

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Klas Marteleur
Principal Mechanical Engineer, Cytiva and WP leader in the competence centre AM4Life

Questions and discussion


Closing and mingling


Christel Bergström
Professor Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University and Director of the competence centre SweDeliver

Meet Christel Bergström, a Professor of Molecular Pharmaceutics at Uppsala University, Adjunct Professor at Monash University, and CEO of Enphasys AB. Leveraging expertise in pharmaceutics, material sciences, and physiology, Christel pioneers innovative drug delivery solutions. 

Through advanced computational modeling and novel tools, Christel aims to revolutionize healthcare with personalized medicines. Join us as we explore the transformative world of drug delivery with Christel, and be inspired by her experience of leading the successful industry-academic competence centre SweDeliver, where research meets real-world impact.

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Klas Marteleur
Principal Mechanical Engineer, Cytiva and WP leader in the competence centre AM4Life

Meet Klas Marteleur, an experienced engineer at Cytiva in Uppsala, with over two decades of product development expertise. With a strong focus on additive manufacturing, also known as 3d-printing, Klas pioneers innovation at Cytiva. 

Klas shares his experiences today, fueled by his successful academic collaborations within the competence centre AM4Life. Learn how additive manufacturing pushes the boundaries of manufacturing technology, providing solutions for a sustainable future and be inspired by the impact industry-academic collaborations can have on innovations and competence development from an industrial perspective.

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Helena Bysell
Collaboration manager, Uppsala University Innovation Partnership Office

Meet Helena, collaboration manager at Uppsala university, with the main task to support research and innovation projects in collaboration with external organizations. Helena has nearly 15 years of experience from initiating and managing multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral research and innovation projects within Life sciences and Healthcare, both from the academic and industry perspective. Helena will share information about the support and tools available at Uppsala university to facilitate research and innovation in collaboration.

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Hur hittar jag rätt?

Se till att anmäla dig i tid för att säkra en plats och en god lunchmacka. Vi håller till i Loungen vid Restaurangen i Hus 2. Ta dig till Rapsgatan 7E så kommer du till rätt entré och kan passera genom vakten. Hur du hittar hit ser du på kartan här bredvid. 

Hur du tar dig hit

Bil eller cykel

Vid Rapsgatan 7E kan du parkera med bil eller cykel och passera genom vakten. Vi håller till i Loungen vid Restaurangen Morellen i på Virdings Allé 28.


Du kan åka med UL Buss (se: nr 11 och 804 till hållplats Uppsala Business Park Västra.

Är du gäst utanför Uppsala Business Park behöver du gå via vakten för att få passerkort. Viktigt då att du anmält dig senast 24 timmar innan så du hinner få passerkort.

Lättare lunch ingår.


Uppsala Business Park Community

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1 januari 2030 00:00-03:00

Yoga i UBP

12 mars 11:00-11:45Uppsala Business Park


13 mars 08:00Loungen, Hus 2, Uppsala Business Park

UBP Workout

17 mars 11:00-11:45Uppsala Business Park

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20 mars 08:00-09:00Loungen, Hus 2, Uppsala Business Park

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27 mars 08:00-09:00Loungen, Hus 2, Uppsala Business Park

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2 april 11:00-11:45Uppsala Business Park


3 april 08:00-09:00Loungen, Hus 2, Uppsala Business Park

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