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1 december 2022 08:00-09:00Loungen, Hus 2, Uppsala Business Park

Short Speech

Jon Gerbrand
Project Integration Manager, LightLab

Light that creates a healthier planet for healthier people

LightLab Sweden is a cleantech company that develops and manufactures a revolutionizing broadband UV technology called PureFize. PureFize can be used for hygiene improvement, high level disinfection, and performance enhancement applications. Based on a scalable technology platform, LightLab offers comprehensive design and integration services to maximize the benefits of PureFize in products.

Jon Gerbrand

Jon, has experience in business development, customer relations and sales. Today at LightLab Sweden Jon helps customers to integratw PureFize Technology into their products.

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Simon Trbojevic
Product Manager Hygiene & Disinfection Solutions, LightLab

Simon is an engineer with passion for innovation. He has been leading multidisciplinary projects with international teams for many years in the consumer product industry. Today he is working with driving integration projects, injecting innovation & design thinking and productization of Light Lab’s offerings.

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Community Breakfast

Eat a good breakfast and mingle with colleagues from other companies and organizations. You will also have the opportunity to listen to a short presentation by JonvGerbrand, Project Integration Manager at LightLab, situated in Uppsala Business Park. 

The breakfast is free and open to everyone both inside and outside Uppsala Business Park.Take the opportunity to network and exchange knowledge and contact!


08:00 Breakfast with networking

08:30 Short presentation

08:40 Question time and continued networking

09:00 Finish

Register now

Sign up today

Be sure to sign up in time to ensure a great networking opportunity with a short speech and a good breakfast. 

If you are situated inside the park and want to come spontaneously to the speech at 08:30 you do not need to register but can just show up.

If you are located outside the park, you need to register to get passage via the guard. The breakfast is located in the Lounge right by Restaurant Morellen in House 2. You can see how to get here on the map.

Register now

Upcoming Events


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