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17 november 2022 08:00-09:00Loungen, Hus 2, Uppsala Business Park

Short Speech

Linus Andersson
Advisor, Almi

Life Science – a global market: How to navigate to grow abroad

Establishing a life science technology on a new market often takes time and its success is dependent on a number of aspects:

  • How do you decide which market to choose?
  • Best way to gain market insight
  • To engage with local Key Opinion Leaders
  • How to implement and support locally?
  • Ways to fund the venture

Linus Andersson

Linus has worked 9 years abroad with Business Sweden, meeting and supporting many companies within Life Sciences both big and small.  He was first based in Dublin, Ireland 2007-2009 and then based in Sydney, Australia from 2009-2016. Today, Linus is an advisor at Almi, a primarily publicly funded organization working to support small and medium sized companies to grow by offering loans and support in business and corporate development. Linus holds a Masters’ degree in Business and Economics, but is not afraid to get involved in technical discussions which is often necessary to understand how new technology can fit both from a technical perspective and from a commercial perspective.

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Community Breakfast

Eat a good breakfast and mingle with colleagues from other companies and organizations. You will also have the opportunity to listen to a short presentation by Linus Andersson, Advisor from Almi, partner in Uppsala Business Park.

The breakfast is free and open to everyone, both inside and outside, Uppsala Business Park. Take the opportunity to network and exchange knowledge and contact!


08:00 Breakfast with networking

08:30 Short presentation

08:40 Question time and continued networking

09:00 Finish

Register now

Sign up today

Be sure to sign up in time to ensure a great networking opportunity with a short speech and a good breakfast.

If you are situated inside the park and want to come spontaneously to the speech at 08:30 you do not need to register but can just show up.

If you are located outside the park, you need to register to get passage via the guard. The breakfast is located in the Lounge right by Restaurant Morellen in House 2. You can see how to get here on the map.

Register now

Upcoming Events


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